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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Change Hair Color In Photoshop

Changing hair color takes a while in the beginning, but is quickly made up towards the middle and end as we will change the color to whatever we choose in no time.

Open your image (we'll use this one) and choose the 'Brush Tool'.

Press 'Q' on your keyboard to activate 'Quick Mask' mode.

Re-size the brush however you like to make the brush strokes match the hair size, zoom up as needed, and then brush all of her hair that you want to color.

To re-size, change the 125 (in this photo) to a smaller/larger size:

Note: As you brush the color will be, by default, pinkish red. This will not be the color of her hair. We'll choose that at a later time.

After you have it all selected, press 'Q' again to exit 'Quick Mask' mode and reveal our selection.

Navigate to Select > Inverse to just choose the hair as the selection instead of everything else.

Navigate to Layer > New Fill Layer > Solid Color...

Select these settings:
Choose a color:

Change 'Opacity' if desired (to make the hair lighter than the color you chose):

See how to apply lipstick to her in this post.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing the tips here. Keep up the good work. All the best.
