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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Whiten Teeth In Photoshop

Yellow teeth can oftentimes ruin a photo. With just a few simple tools you can change dull-colored teeth to bright, pearly whites. Follow the guide below to find out how and see the result at the bottom.

How to make teeth white

Use the "Polygonal Lasso Tool" to select each tooth as best you can.

When done, and without changing tools, right-click inside the selection and choose to "Refine Edge...".

Change the settings shown here that best suit the picture:

"Smooth" and "Feather" will create a more natural-looking edge but only change them to what feels best - not just all the way up.

Next, adjust the Hue/Saturation as desired by navigating to "Image > Hue/Saturation" or "Ctrl+U".

Reduce the "Hue" and "Saturation" settings to remove the yellow color. The "Lightness" increase is to create the new white appearance but can easily be overdone into looking very unnatural. Modify the lightness only slightly while focusing more on changing the Hue and Saturation.


Notice a very natural looking shade of white that still has no yellow or rusty look to it. The gums didn't change much color but at the bottom, which isn't detracting from the overall glow of the teeth.

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